- Name of Company
- Address
- 14, Yusangongdan 2-gil, Yangsan-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, 626-210, South Korea
- Bon Hak(Brian) KOO
- Staff
- 981 employees
- Annual Sales
- US$600,000,000
- Main Product
- Multifunctional Electric Pressure Cooker
- Electric Rice Cooker
- Water Purifier
- Humidifier
- Capacity
- Over 3.4 million sets annually
- Date Est
- November 15, 1978
- 2014
- 03.27Win Korea Prestige Brand Award in Water Purifier Category (The Korea Economic Daily)02.25Be ranked No.1 in NBCI(National Brand Competitiveness Index] 7 years in a row awarded from Korean Productivity Center
- 2013
- 12.18Selected as World Class Product of Korea in 7 years in a row12.05Awarded Tower of 30 million US$ exportation on 50th Trade day10.10Selected as Good Design Product by KIDP(Korea Institute of Design Promotion) Dehumidifier CDH-A/Water Purifier CP-E/IH Presure Rice Cooker CRP-AH09.30Be ranked No.1 in KCSI(Korean Customer Satisfaction Index) 13 years in a row on a rice cooker category.03.05Be ranked NO. 1 in NBCI [National Brand Competitiveness Index] 6 years in a row awarded from Korean Productivity Center
- 2012
- 09.26Awarded 2012 Customer Satisfaction Award for a filed of Water Purifier(The Korea Economic Daily)
- 2011
- 12.01Established Healthcare Product Division with Water Purifiers10.22Certified as Service Qualified Organization in Korean awarded by Korean Ministry of Knowledge Economy09.20Be ranked NO. 1 in NBCI [National Brand Competitiveness Index] 4 years in a road awarded from Korean Productivity Center
- 2010
- 10.24Certified rank 1 in Electric Rice Cooker by KC냐. Awarded by Korea Management Association03.08Be ranked NO. 1 in NBCI [National Brand Competitiveness Index] awarded from Korean Productivity Center